A high school experience that leaves an everlasting impression.

At Nitzotz Bais Yaakov, students gain a well-rounded education centered on the fundamentals of Yiddishkeit and beyond. Our mechanchos and teachers are present for each girl, ensuring a personalized connection that lasts long after the student graduates. Our extracurricular programs, including yimei iyun, productions, and shabbatonim, allow our students to develop their strengths and showcase their talents.   Nitzotz Bais Yaakov- where stellar education meets personalized connection

A high school experience that leaves an everlasting impression.

At Nitzotz Bais Yaakov, students gain a well-rounded education centered on the fundamentals of Yiddishkeit and beyond. Our mechanchos and teachers are present for each girl, ensuring a personalized connection that lasts long after the student graduates. Our extracurricular programs, including yimei iyun, productions, and shabbatonim, allow our students to develop their strengths and showcase their talents.   Nitzotz Bais Yaakov- where stellar education meets personalized connection